Source code for pychord.progression

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from .chord import as_chord, Chord

[docs]class ChordProgression(object): """ Class to handle chord progressions. :param list[pychord.Chord] _chords: component chords of chord progression. """ def __init__(self, initial_chords=None): """ Constructor of ChordProgression instance. :type initial_chords: str|pychord.Chord|list :param initial_chords: Initial chord or chords of the chord progressions """ if initial_chords is None: initial_chords = [] if isinstance(initial_chords, Chord): self._chords = [initial_chords] elif isinstance(initial_chords, str): self._chords = [as_chord(initial_chords)] elif isinstance(initial_chords, list): self._chords = [as_chord(chord) for chord in initial_chords] else: raise TypeError("Cannot initialize ChordProgression with argument of {} type".format(type(initial_chords))) def __unicode__(self): return " | ".join([chord.chord for chord in self._chords]) def __str__(self): return " | ".join([chord.chord for chord in self._chords]) def __repr__(self): return "<ChordProgression: {}>".format(" | ".join([chord.chord for chord in self._chords])) def __add__(self, other): self._chords += other.chords return self def __len__(self): return len(self._chords) def __getitem__(self, item): return self._chords[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._chords[key] = value def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ChordProgression): raise TypeError("Cannot compare ChordProgression object with {} object".format(type(other))) if len(self) != len(other): return False for c, o in zip(self, other): if c != o: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) @property def chords(self): """ Get component chords of chord progression :rtype: list[pychord.Chord] """ return self._chords
[docs] def append(self, chord): """ Append a chord to chord progressions :type chord: str|pychord.Chord :param chord: A chord to append :return: """ self._chords.append(as_chord(chord))
[docs] def insert(self, index, chord): """ Insert a chord to chord progressions :param int index: Index to insert a chord :type chord: str|pychord.Chord :param chord: A chord to insert :return: """ self._chords.insert(index, as_chord(chord))
[docs] def pop(self, index=-1): """ Pop a chord from chord progressions :param int index: Index of the chord to pop (default: -1) :return: pychord.Chord """ return self._chords.pop(index)
[docs] def transpose(self, trans): """ Transpose whole chord progressions :param int trans: Transpose key :return: """ for chord in self._chords: chord.transpose(trans)